Saddle Systems

Anatomically designed to fit the horse´s top line - treeless to allow flexible adjustment along all dimensions, Barefoot saddles are formed to match all backs, omitting restriction of the spine and withers, distributing rider´s weight perfectly to avoid peak pressure. The close contact to the horse allows a refined and subtle ride.

We do not carry stock of saddles & they are brought in to order. If we have any secondhand saddles available they will be listed on the website.

Postage costs of Saddles around NZ are from $32.50 to $65.00 depending on size of box. 

Saddle Systems

Barefoot London
Barefoot Arizona
Barefoot Arizona Nut
Barefoot Atlanta
Barefoot Nevada
Barefoot Missoula Nut
Barefoot Barrydale
Barefoot 'Just Adjust' Saddle
Barefoot Madrid
Barefoot® 'Lazy Mountain'
Barefoot® 'Happy Valley'
Barefoot Nottingham
Barefoot® 'Ride-on-Pad' Physio Nature
Barefoot Wellington
Barefoot® Merlyn
Barefoot Cherokee
Barefoot Cheyenne
Barefoot Lexington
Barefoot Notting Hill Limited Edition
Arizona Size X0 BELLIS
CHEYENNE size X0 Barry
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Please note: We can't always carry stock of all products, but we place regular orders. Most shipments take between 3-6 weeks to arrive
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